OLLI Fall Session 2017 http://learnmore.duke.edu/olli/
American Art: from colonial to modern
This fall we will venture back to the beginnings of American Art. In this 6 week course we will use the encyclopedic collection of the North Carolina Museum of Art to survey American Art from colonial times to early 20th-century modernism. Each week lectures in the Museum Auditorium will alternate with Gallery Sessions in which we will look closely at works that were discussed in the lecture.
October 4: lecture: Colonial Beginnings through the Civil War
October 11 & 12: galleries: Portraits, Still Life & Story Paintings
October 18: lecture: Manifest Destiny; 19th Century Landscape
October 23-27 OLLI Fall Break
November 1 & 2: galleries: American Landscape Painting
November 8: lecture: Early Modern Art in America OLLI Coffee Social 10-11
November 15 & 16: galleries: The Ash Can School; American Impressionism; Regionalism
October 11 & 12: galleries: Portraits, Still Life & Story Paintings
October 18: lecture: Manifest Destiny; 19th Century Landscape
October 23-27 OLLI Fall Break
November 1 & 2: galleries: American Landscape Painting
November 8: lecture: Early Modern Art in America OLLI Coffee Social 10-11
November 15 & 16: galleries: The Ash Can School; American Impressionism; Regionalism